Kevin Brooks - IBoy A$6.00
Maria V. Snyder - Outside in A$6.00
Susan Greenfield - 2121 A$6.00
David Garnett- Stargonauts A$3.00
Stephen King- Under The Dome A$6.00
Michael Crichton- Prey A$4.00
Stephen Coonts - Saucer A$4.00
Frank Schatzing- The Swarm A$4.00
S.J. Morden - One way A$7.00
Issac Asimov - Foundation A$5.00
Alex Adams-White Horse A$7.00
L. Ron. Hubbard - Disaster A$5.00
Rick Yancey- The 5th Wave A$7.00
Stephenie Meyer- The Host A$8.00
Kit Whitfield- Bareback A$8.00
Ben Elton- Blind Faith A$8.00